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Privacy Policy & Cookie Policy


What does this Privacy Policy apply to?

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to the personal data relating to users (“Users”, “you” or “your”, as appropriate) of the website eu.unionbindingcompany.com (the “Website”) collected by Core S.r.l., with registered office in Via Colombano 10, 23014 Delebio (SO) Italy, registered with the Companies Register of Sondrio – Italy with VAT number IT00838030146 – in its quality of controller – (“Core”, “we”, “us” or “our”, as appropriate).

With reference to the cookies used by the Website, please refer to the cookie policy below.

Which categories of personal data do we collect?

We may collect the following categories of data:

  • identifying data such as name, surname, place and date of birth, address of residence, etc.;

  • contact details such as postal address, e-mail address, phone number;

  • data relating to purchases on the Website such as delivery address, billing address, order number, order status, information on products purchased, preferred methods of payment;

  • profiling data, such as interests and preferences;

  • navigation data, such as IP addresses or the domain names of computers used by you accessing the Website, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the digital code indicating the state of the server’s response (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and to your IT environment;

  • any other data provided voluntarily by User.

    How do we collect your personal data?

    Personal data we process are provided you while browsing the Website, registering with the Website, filling the form on the Website, making purchases and, in general, when you interact with us through the Website.

    What are the purposes and legal basis of processing?

    We may process your personal data to:

    a) enable you to register with the Website;

    b) conclude and execute agreements related to the purchase of products through the Website and carry out related activities such as payment, invoicing and delivery, pursuant to Core’s Terms and Conditions;

    c) answer your questions, process your requests for information and provide assistance to you through our dedicated customer care service or any other assistance channels made available by us;

    d) fulfill legal or regulatory obligations to which we are subject (for example, the fulfillment of obligations relating to product warranty duties);

    e) establish, exercise or defend legal claims, including in court;

    f) carry out activities preparatory or related to the execution of extraordinary transactions such as mergers, acquisitions and transfers of business units;

    g) send you commercial communications – also through automated communication systems – in relation to products and services similar to those already purchased (so-called “soft spam”) (e.g. offers for warranty extension), without prejudice to the possibility to object to the processing at any time;

    h) with your consent, carry out marketing initiatives (including market researches) and send you commercial communications (including newsletters) – also through automated communication systems – in relation to our products and services or to products and services offered by third parties (“marketing purposes”);

    i) with your consent, perform profiling activities in order to customize the marketing activities referred to in letter h) above and to direct our commercial offer, including through the analysis of your use of the Website and other websites and social networks that you visit, using both data collected from you and from third parties (“profiling purposes”).

    The processing of your personal data for the purposes sub a), b) and c) does not require your consent as it is necessary to fulfill your requests or to execute an agreement to which you are a party, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR.

    The processing of your personal data for the purpose sub d) does not require your consent as it is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations to which we are subject, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of the GDPR.

    The processing of your personal data for the purposes under e), f), g), does not require your consent as it is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the GDPR.

    The processing of personal data for the purposes sub f) and g) requires your consent pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR.

    How do we process your personal data?

    We adopt security and organizational measures in order to protect your personal data from the risks of destruction, loss or alteration (unlawful or accidental) of personal data.

    The processing of your personal data will be carried out through electronic or automated means, in the manner and with the appropriate tools to ensure the security and confidentiality in accordance with the GDPR.

    The information and methods of processing will be relevant and not excessive in relation to the type of services provided. Data will be managed and protected in environments where access is under constant control.

    For how long do we retain your personal data?

    Your personal data will be retained for different periods of time depending on the purposes for which they have been collected. More specifically:

    a) data collected to register with the Website will be retained for as long as your account is active and for a maximum of 90 days after its closure;

    b) data collected for the purpose of concluding and executing contracts related to the purchase of products through the Website will be stored for ten years as of the date of invoicing or for a period of time equal to the limitation period of the rights for the establishment, exercise or defence of which, the processing of such data is necessary (if longer than ten years);

    c) data collected to answer your questions and process your requests for information or assistance will be stored until your request is processed;

    d) data collected for soft spam, marketing and profiling purposes will be stored – without prejudice to your right to withdraw your consent at any time – for a maximum period of time equal to 36 months as from the collection of the data for such purposes; at the end of this period, we may ask you to renew your consent to the processing of your data or to make them anonymous and keep them only for statistical or historical purposes.

    e) data collected for the additional purposes indicated above will be retained for as long as necessary to pursue those purposes or for as long as we are required to retain them on the basis of applicable legal provisions.

    Who will your personal data be shared with?

    Your personal data may be made accessible, disclosed to or communicated to the following subjects, which will act as persons authorized to the processing, data processors or autonomous data controllers:

    • our employees and/or collaborators in any capacity;

    • public or private entities, natural or legal persons, who carry out processing activities on our behalf or to whom we are required to communicate your personal data, by virtue of legal or contractual obligations (such as public authorities, service providers in charge of printing, enveloping, shipping, delivering and/or collecting the products purchased through the Website; agents; payment service providers; IT service providers; marketing agencies; external customer care services).

    Your personal data may be transferred to third countries outside the European Economic Area, including United States and Canada. In this case,  we will transfer your personal data, in the absence of adequacy decisions and provided that none of the exceptions set forth under article 49 of the GDPR apply, on the basis of the standard contractual clauses set out in article 46, paragraph 2, letters c) and d) of the GDPR.

    With regard to recipients located in Canada, transfer of personal data may take place pursuant to the adequacy decisions of the Commission, under article 45 of the GDPR, which has decided that the data protection legislation, in particular the Protection and Electronic Documents Act (c.d. PIPEDA) ensure an adequate level of protection.

    With regard to transfer of personal data to recipients located in the United States, transfer will be grounded on the standard contractual clauses set out in article 46, paragraph 2, letters c) and d) of the GDPR.

    Your rights according to the data protection regulation

    According to articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, you have the right to:

    • obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data are being processed and the purposes of such processing;

    • access your personal data and obtain information on the processing, as well as request a copy of such personal data;

    • obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data and the completion of incomplete personal data;

    • obtain the erasure of personal data;

    • obtain, in the cases provided for in the GDPR, the restriction of processing;

    • object to the processing, if the conditions set out in the GDPR are met;

    • receive, if the conditions set out in the GDPR are met, the personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and request their transmission to another data controller, if technically feasible.

    Where consent is required for the processing of personal data, you may also withdraw any consent already given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before its withdrawal.

    You can exercise your rights by Contact Us.

    You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority if you believe that your rights under the GDPR have been breached.

    Link to other websites

    The Controller does not control and is unable to supervise either the content or data processing policies of third parties’ websites and services, which may be accessed via links contained on the Website. Therefore, we are in no way responsible for data processing carried out through or in relation to said third party’s websites.

    Users should pay the utmost attention in such respect by carefully reading the terms of use and privacy policies published in the websites they visit.

    In order to make a payment through one of the payment cards offered on the Website, you shall enter the data of the payment card directly on a page that will communicate through secure encryption protocol with the payment service provider (which will act as an autonomous data controller). These data will not pass through our server and, therefore, we will not process such data in any way.

    Amendments to the Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy may be subject to updates or amendments (also due to new legislation or regulations). Substantial changes will in any case be highlighted through the Website, your reserved area, or notified by e-mail.

    Last review date: April 2023

    The date indicated on this page will be periodically updated whenever a new Privacy Policy is published and applicable. We therefore invite you to periodically consult this Privacy Policy so as to keep up to date on how we process your personal data.




    This cookie policy (the “Cookie Policy”) is part of the Privacy Policy and regulates the use of cookies by Core S.r.l., with registered office in Via Colombano 10, 23014 Delebio (SO) Italy, registered with the Companies Register of Sondrio – Italy with VAT number IT00838030146 – in its quality of controller – (“Core”, “we”, “us” or “our”, as appropriate), on the website eu.unionbindingcompany.com (the “Website”).

    What are cookies and by what criteria are they classified?

    A cookie is a text file that a website visited by a user sends to his or her device (computer or mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet), where it is saved in order to be re-sent to said website at the user’s next visit.  

    Cookies are categorized as follows:

    • on the basis of the party installing them, according to whether they are installed by the manager of the website visited ("first-party cookies") or other parties ("third-party cookies");
    • on the basis of the purpose served by the cookie: some cookies enable a better browsing experience, by storing some of the user’s choices, for instance the language ("technical cookies"), other cookies allow to make analysis and statistics (“analytical cookies”) and some other enable the monitoring of the user’s browsing activities, also for the purpose of sending advertising materials and/or offering services in line with his or her preferences ("profiling cookies").

    Which cookies are used on the Website?

    The Website uses technical cookies, analytical and profiling cookies, both first-party and also third-parties ones.

    The technical cookies used on the Website are classified as “Strictly Required” and ensure the normal browsing and use of the Website (e.g. allowing the same language to be maintained on the Website).

    The analytics cookies used on the Website are classified as “Reporting And Analytics” and analyze information in aggregate form on the use of the Website, including information on the number of Users, on the website they come from, on the pages they have visited.

    The profiling cookies used on the Website are classified as “Marketing And Retargeting” and collect information on Users’ browsing behaviour, and which are used in order to send content and advertising messages tailored to the preferences expressed by the User while browsing.

    Technical and analytical cookies (these latter to the extent that they don’t allow to identify the user) don’t require consent of the user, while profiling cookies require it.

    With regard to profiling cookies, the user’s consent is deemed to have been given whenever the User clicks on the “Accept” button found within the banner that appears on the homepage.

    The cookies used by the Website are listed below. For each of them, the name of the cookie, the category, a brief description of the cookie's functionality and its duration, is indicated.







    Strictly Required

    Used by Cloudflare to route user traffic for this Site

    3 months


    Strictly Required

    Used by Cloudflare for optimisation and security



    Strictly Required

    Used by Cloudflare to route user traffic for this Site

    1 year


    Strictly Required

    Used by CloudFlare to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from.

    5 days


    Strictly Required

    This cookie is served by Vimeo, enable certain features and remember users preferences.

    1 year


    Strictly Required

    This cookie is used to collect information on a visitor. This information will become an ID string with information on a specific visitor – ID information strings can be used to target groups with similar preferences, or can be used by third-party domains or ad-exchanges.

    2 days


    Strictly Required

    Used by the content network, Cloudflare, to identify trusted web traffic.

    1 day


    Strictly Required

    The cookie is necessary for the secure checkout and payment function on the website. This function is provided by shopify.com.

    1 day


    Strictly Required

    Shopify cart version.

    1 month


    Strictly Required

    Used in connection with checkout.

    1 month


    Strictly Required

    Used in connection with navigation through a storefront.

    2 days


    Strictly Required

    Used in connection with customer login.

    20 years


    Strictly Required

    Location of the Visitor

    3 days


    Strictly Required

    Used in connection with checkout.

    14 days


    Strictly Required

    Used in connection with shopping cart.

    14 days


    Strictly Required

    Shopify's currency object renderer.

    14 days


    Reporting And Analytics

    Google Analytics: Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in.

    2 months


    Reporting And Analytics

    Google Analytics Client ID

    2 years


    Reporting And Analytics

    Google Analytics Client ID

    1 day


    Reporting And Analytics

    Live chat widget sets the cookies to store the Zopim Live Chat ID used to identify a device across visits.

    1 year


    Reporting And Analytics

    Tealium data platform and is used for web analytics.

    1 year


    Reporting And Analytics

    This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

    2 years


    Reporting And Analytics

    Google Universal Analytics ID page tracking.

    1 day


    Reporting And Analytics

    Used by Pinterest to track the usage of services.

    1 year


    Reporting And Analytics

    Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimisation plaftform

    6 months


    Reporting And Analytics

    Shopify analytics.

    2 years


    Reporting And Analytics

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.

    2 years


    Reporting And Analytics

    Used to determine whether a third party tag will be called in Snap Ads Pixel.

    14 months


    Reporting And Analytics

    Google Universal Analytics ID page tracking.

    2 days


    Reporting And Analytics

    Google Analytics Client ID

    1 day


    Reporting And Analytics

    Shopify analytics.

    1 year


    Reporting And Analytics

    Shopify analytics.

    1 year


    Reporting And Analytics

    Shopify analytics.

    1 day


    Reporting And Analytics

    Shopify's cross domain support for Google Analytics.



    Reporting And Analytics

    Shopify analytics.

    1 year


    Marketing And Retargeting

    This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.

    1 day


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services

    3 months


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services

    5 months


    Marketing And Retargeting

    This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.

    1 month


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Bizible: Temporarily stores analytics data that has not been successfully sent to bizible server yet.

    1 day


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Bizible: Sequence number that bizible includes for all requests, for internal diagnostics purpose

    1 day


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Bizible: User id on the current domain.

    1 year


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Cookie associated with Snapchat. Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates realtime bidding for advertisers.

    1 year


    Marketing And Retargeting

    This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.

    1 day


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Bizible Cooky: A single cookie that stores multiple information, such as whether or not the user has submitted a form, performed a crossdomain migration, sent a viewthrough pixel, opted out from tracking, etc.

    1 year


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.

    2 years


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Used by DoubleClick for Publishers service from Google. Its purpose is to do with the showing of adverts on the site, for which the owner may earn some revenue.

    2 years


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.

    3 months


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to make advertisement on the website more relevant. The cookie also allows the website to detect any referrals from other websites.

    1 day


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to make advertisement on the website more relevant. The cookie also allows the website to detect any referrals from other websites.



    Marketing And Retargeting

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.

    1 day


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.

    2 years


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Stores visitors' navigation by registering landing pages - This allows the website to present relevant products and/or measure their advertisement efficiency on other websites.

    2 days


    Marketing And Retargeting

    Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.

    1 day

    Can the cookie configuration be changed?

    Users can change the cookie setting by clicking on the "Preferences" button, which is also accessible through the Cookie Setting link in the footer of the Website.

    Cookies can also be disabled by changing the browser settings on the basis of the instructions made available by the relevant providers at the links listed below.

    Please note that disabling certain technical cookies may affect the operation of the Website.

    For anything not provided for in this Cookie Policy and, in particular, for what concerns the identification of parties to whom data collected through first-party cookies may be disclosed, transfers of personal data to third countries and how to exercise rights, please refer to the Privacy Policy.


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